Copy & Move Menu Options

Datafile Software

Copy & Move Menu Options

As an application develops over time it may become desirable to move options from one menu to another within the application – perhaps because a new requirement is created which needs to be given prominence on the main menu. This utility allows you to copy an option from one menu in the application to another and then, if desired, remove the original and thus allow you to ‘tidy’ your application.

On first display you are shown the list of application menu’s for you to select the option you wish to copy.

Select the menu using the mouse and the arrow keys to highlight the required menu and then press the SELECT button (or press <Enter>). Next you are shown the options on the menu and asked to key the number of the option to be copied.

Once you have selected the option to copy you are again shown the list of application menu’s for you to select – this time for where you wish to copy the item to – the system then shows the existing options on that menu and asks for the option number you wish to copy to – you can overwrite an existing option if you desire.

After the option has been copied you will be prompted if you with to remove the original entry – respond as required.


This new option needs to be added to the ProFiler Application Definition menu – we suggest amending the PXUSER.D03 to add a call to this option via the CONFIG sign-on.

Applic, Program or Notes – ‘P’ for Program

Menu Name or Program Path – PX.EXE

Parameter – 5008

Custom Fields

Article ID: 361
Created On: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 3:52 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 5:42 PM

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