Submit P45(3) or P46 on Add of New Employee

Datafile Software

Submit P45(3) or P46 on Add of New Employee

New options have been added to allow the submission of the P45(3) or P46 forms when you add an employee to the Payroll system. The P45(3) is submitted when the new employee gives you a P45, the P46 is submitted when they don’t.

After adding the employee record the system will prompt if you have been given the P45 information for the new starter.

If you respond ‘Yes’ you will be prompted if you wish to submit the P45(3) to the HMRC. If you respond ‘No’ you will be prompted if you wish to submit the P46 to the HMRC.

If you respond ‘Yes’ to submit the P45(3) / P46 then the system proceeds into the submission process.If ‘No’ then you are returned to the menu.

Print XML Output– set to allow print of the full submission to the HMRC.

Report Errors Only– only applicable if not set to print in full this option prints the XML lines that are in error (perhaps because the NI Number is invalid).

Test Submission – set to send this submission as a test.This goes through all the standard processes but the HMRC discards the submission at the end.

Once you have set the run-time parameters as required select the RUN button. You are then warned that this is a "Test” or "Live” submission as appropriate and asked if you wish to proceed.

If you proceed you are asked to confirm the ‘General XML Parameters’, if not you are returned to the run-time parameters to amend the details or abandon.

The P45(3) and P46 submission processes are reasonably identical. If you have previously used the end-of-year online submission routines the majority of these parameter options will be set for you. If not you can set the parameters as below:

Employers Name – Enter your company name.

Address / Post Code– Enter the company address details for the employer.

Contact Title / Forename / Surname – Enter your details (this is included should the HMRC need to contact you).

Telephone / Fax / Email – Enter the contact details as requested.

Inland Revenue Office / PAYE Ref – you cannot amend this information here, if incorrect you need to amend via the Payroll System Profiles.

Inland Revenue User-Id / Password – Enter the user-id / password supplied by the HMRC.

The bottom section of the screen asks for information relating to the P45(3)

Prev Tax Code – enter the tax code from the P45. Will default based on entered details from employee record.

Prev Tax Basis – select if previous code was on a week-1/month-1 basis, otherwise leave blank. If this option left blank a pop-up will ask for the leaving details – month/week and period number – from the P45.

Student Loan – set if student loan marker set on P45 (will default based on entered details or, if set, write back to file)

Previous Inland Revenue Office – enter the Inland Revenue Office details from the P45

Previous PAYE Reference – enter the PAYE reference from the P45

Previous Leaving Date– then the leaving date from the P45

For the P46 the prompts are:

Tax Code Used – enter the tax code used for this employee (note this will default to the value entered on the employee record).

P46 Box Ticked – when completing a P46 manually the employee must make a statement as to whether they have been employed or in receipt of benefits this tax year. Select the response they have indicated.

Student Loan – set if student loan marker set on P45 (will default based on entered details or, if set, write back to file)

The second page asks for the agent details.

If you are running the payroll as an agent on behalf of another employer then enter your details here, otherwise leave blank.

Agent Id – Enter your Agent ID as supplied by the HMRC

Company Name – Enter your company name here.

Address / Post Code – Enter your company address details.

Contact Time / Forename / Surname – Enter your details for the HMRC if any queries.

Telephone / Fax / Email – Enter the contact details here.

After confirming these details you will be asked if you wish to proceed.

If you choose not to proceed you are returned to the payroll menu, if you elect to proceed the XML file is created and you are warned if any errors have been detected.

Select the OK button to proceed. If you elected to print the XML report or, if reporting errors and an error was detected, you will be prompted with the printer dialog to select the print device for the XML report.

After printing the report then, if any errors were detected, you are returned to the menu. If no errors found then the system begins the submission process.

The submission process goes through several stages in communicating with the HMRC Government Gateway.At the end of the process the system will report whether the submission was successful or whether any business level errors were detected – these might include an invalid reference for which you are not registered. If a business level error occurs then you need to correct the advised error and then re-submit the file.

If the gateway is busy or off-line you may get the polling message repeated. If this is the case keep trying for a few minutes but if polling continues to repeat abandon and resubmit later.


If you do not submit the P45(3) or P46 when adding an employee then, provided system is using the R57LOOK option, you can access the submission options from the ACTION button on the Employee Maintenance screen.

The RESTART option will also launch the P45(3) / P46 submission process.


If you’ve previously used the end-of-year online filing routines then no additional set-up parameters are required.

If you haven’t used this process then the Payroll System Profiles allows you to preset the parameters discussed above and allows you to set/amend the IR Office / PAYE reference details – this is achieved via the ‘Company/Bank Details’ parameter screens.

You must have registered with the HMRC to use this submission service.

If not using the R57LOOK entry modes then you can add the submission options to the standard menu using parameter number 2016. Even in non-R57LOOK mode however you will be prompted after using the add/re-start employee options automatically.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 295
Created On: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:09 PM
Last Updated On: Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 5:07 PM

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