Base Date for Slow Moving Stock Report

Datafile 2019 and above

The Slow-Moving Stock Report lists the stock records where the last transaction date is more than X days older, where X is defined within the Stock System Profiles.  As the base date is the transaction date this can be affected by transactions such as price change or stock take adjustments which may not be appropriate in all circumstances.


This new feature allows, at run-time, the operator to choose which of the date items on the Stock Records file to use as the base date for the reporting – including the last sale and last purchase date if configured.



Base Date for Comparison – select the date from the Stock file to compare to the report "as at” date to determine if the stock item is to be classed as slow-moving and included within the report.  The system will remember the selection as the default for next time.




This feature is available immediately on update to Datafile 2019.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 2245
Created On: Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 3:22 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 7:35 PM

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