Save Purchase Order Cost during Document Processing (POP Only)

Purchase Order Documents allow for the pickup of an alternate item for use as the cost price on a POP document – this could be used, for example, as part of a landed cost calculation allocating freight charges to the cost for update to stock.As part of this process the order detail cost is updated to be the new value but is typically reset at the end of the process for subsequent reports or purchase invoice documents. This new feature allows you to save that cost to the order detail.


Document Design Manager

To configure the document, sign on as the SYSTEM user, or any user with Installer access rights, and right click on the appropriate document menu option and select Configure Option. Alternatively select Installation from the main menu, followed by Application Manager and then Document Design Manager before selecting Purchase Order Documents and the required document category.

The system will list the available documents – enter the number of the document to update in the prompt at the bottom of the screen and the document mask will be displayed. Choose the Parameters option and then select the ACTION button to move to screen 2 – General Document Parameters.


Save Cost Price to Alternate Item on POD – reference the required data item to save the cost price used within the document processing to an item on the Purchase Order Detail database.


 This option can be used on any POP document and doesn’t have to be used in conjunction with the ‘override’ cost function.It could, for example, be used on the original purchase order document sent to suppliers so can review purchase order cost versus goods received costs.


Custom Fields

Article ID: 2183
Created On: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 12:10 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 2:28 PM

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