Sales Order / Works Order Enquiry Links

Datafile Software Solutions

Sales Order / Works Order Enquiry Links

When entering Sales Orders you have the facility, if also using Bill of Materials, to flag an entry for works order creation. This new feature allows the Sales Order Ledger Enquiry a ‘zoom’ link from the sales order detail entry to the corresponding works order and, in addition, a link from the Works Order enquiry back to the Sales Order that contains the entry that generated the Works Order.

A Works enquiry link is available as you scroll up/down the list of order details, the link only active for details that have created a works order. Selecting the link transfers you to the Works Order enquiry for the linked order.

You can use all the usual enquiry options except the facilities for further application cross-links.Selecting CLOSE returns you to Sales Order enquiry.

Similarly the Works Order enquiry has an enquiry link for the Sales Order which is active where the Works Order was generated from a Sales Order – selecting the link transfers you to the Sales Order enquiry for the linked order.


Where Bill of Materials is already set to allow Generation of Works Orders from Sales Orders no further set-up changes are required for this facility.

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Article ID: 2116
Created On: Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 10:49 AM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 5:56 PM

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