Datafile Software
Employee Optional 11/11
X Data Item Type Description
Overtime Rate 1 M } These items allow the entry of a specific
Overtime Rate 2 M } overtime rate to be used for each band
Overtime Rate 3 M } overriding the hourly/overtime rate
Overtime Rate 4 M } entered earlier – although the rate factor is
Overtime Rate 5 M } still applied. If using Payroll Plusthen
Overtime Rate 6 M } these items are left 0as the rates are held
} in the overtime database
Minimum Cash Amount K, L } If paying a minimum amount of pay in
Minimum Non Cash Amnt K, L } cash for immediate spending and the
} balance in the employee’s normal
} payment method then enter in one of the
} items the amount the employee receives in
} either cash or their normal payment
} amount. The balance is paid in the other
} method
X Current Cash Amount K, L Holds the amount to be paid in cash this period
X Current Non Cash Amnt K, L Holds the amount to be paid in the employee’s normal payment method
Prev NI Co Main EE } Items are no longer in use
Prev NI Co Main Pay }
X Pay As At Period N If the employee has already been paid for the current period this option allows you to pay the next period early.
X Report Seq Item Select here the data item to use as a sort item on the payroll reports. If set then enables use of sort sequence 3 and 4 on payroll reports. Sequence 3 being this nominated item, sequence 4 being this item within the department.
X Memo Reference Y (6) Used by the employee memo facility. This holds the six-digit number of the memo file PRnnnnnn used.
Clear Flag ? This item is cleared during the period/year end. It would be set via an external routine (say) a ProFileroutput of employees pay to the bank for BACS payments.
Article ID: 2082
Created On: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:46 PM
Last Updated On: Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 4:34 PM
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