Show Actual Price on Quantity Break Display

Datafile Software

Show Actual Price on Quantity Break Display

Discount Matrix options allow a ‘quantity break’ option where depending on the quantity a customer orders the system can change the price band, price or apply a discount allowing you to encourage a customer to increase their order to ‘save’ money.

When entering a sales order if a ‘comment’ is recorded for the matrix entry then the system displays that entry on screen.Where the quantity break includes a set price band or a price adjustment in can be difficult to advise the customer of what the price is – i.e. if order 10 of these items the price would be £9.50 each instead of £10 as the system displays the detail entered and not the amount charged.

This new feature allows the quantity break pop-up to display the ‘actual price’ within the Price Each column.


Application User Facilities

This new feature is enabled via a new parameter within the Optional Features settings of the SOP Application User Facilities. From the main menu select the option Installation, followed by Application Manager, Application User Facilities, Sales Order Processing, Enter/Amend Orders, Advanced Input Facilities and finally Optional Features. The new parameter option is available on screen 3.

Adj. Wh-Price / Prices – set to replace the adjustment value of the price-each column from the quantity break with the actual price to be charged.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 207
Created On: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:48 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 5:34 PM

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