XML Schema Definition (XSD)

Datafile Software

XML Schema Definition (XSD)

This is the authoritive source for what can an XML instance can contain. It describes, in XML, each and every possible element, giving details about whether it is mandatory or optional, the number of times it can repeat, the type of data it can contain and so on. It even allows for narrative comments to further explain the use of an element. The XSD document is generally posted on an open web-site where anyone can access it.

Frankly, an XSD is a voluminous definition, but it does provide a complete definition process. It will be the document referenced in an XML namespace statement.

For ease of systems analysis, an originator will often supply a more human-readable document that describes the structure and elements of an XML schema, or — in the case of a trading partner (supplier or customer) — describes the particular sub-set of elements that they intend to make use of in the XML files they intend to exchange.
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Article ID: 1863
Created On: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:38 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 4:42 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/xml-schema-definition-xsd-1863.html