Template Wizard

Datafile Software

Template Wizard

The template wizard allows you to pick any or all of the data items from the targeted database. If you reply "Y” to the question Default output/input all data items? then the full set of data items in the file is displayed in a matrix on the screen, as shown below. If you reply "N”, then you can select the items in the order you want them used.

Note that you can use the [F4-Select] button or key to view the file contents and select the appropriate data items.

There are three prompts at the bottom of this screen:
Name to use for Database (root) element [DATABASE ]
Name to use for Record (child) element [RECORD ]
Specify own names for data elements [ ]

You can specify the names to use for the root element and its child element to match that required. By ticking the "…data elements” box, you are given the chance to enter your own element names for each of the data items chosen — this occurs after you’ve accepted the item definitions. Each item is highlighted with the data item name given in the database structure, and you can change this to another name of your choice.


Element names in XML are limited to the character set of letters (A–Z, a–z), numbers (0–9), and the punctuation characters hyphen, underscore and period. An element name can start only with letters or the underscore. The names you enter are checked to ensure that they do not contain disallowed characters, and that you have not duplicated any element name in the structure. We recommend that you go through the process of specifying your own names even though you plan to stick to the database names, just to check that the names are all valid for XML. Note too that element names entered here can be a maximum of 20 characters in length. Should you require longer element names, you’ll need to edit the template with a text-processor after it is created.

When you’ve finished this process, the XML template is then created and displayed. Future plans include an editing process here, but for the moment it is merely displayed, and you can {Escape] to exit the definition process.

You should then save the template, and save the XML definition itself.

If you need to edit the template, use a text processor such as Notepad or WordPad.
Custom Fields

Article ID: 1794
Created On: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:42 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 5:04 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/template-wizard-1794.html