General Lookup File - EDI Order Processing

Datafile Software

General Lookup File - EDI Order Processing

This file holds all the lookup information needed by the EDI order processing interface application.It holds specifically:

¨EAN location codes, representing the customer ordering and delivery locations

¨EAN product codes, representing the agreed industry-wide product codes

¨Tradacomslist code values, used to indicate aspects of the messages. Tradacoms lists often use single alphabetic or numeric codes, so the codes in this file are normally prefixed with additional characters to make them unique. For example, list 5 has just two entries "F” and "P”, so these values become "L05F” and "L05P” to ensure they are unique. See below for the prefix values used.

Item Name Type Size Description

1 CODE X 14 The prime-index code for this file.

2 NAME X 35 The description of this code

3 INTERNAL-CODE X 16 The internal code for the prime-index code. If the prime-index code is (say) an EAN location, then this represents the sales ledger or internal delivery address code. If the prime-index code is (say) the product EAN code, then this is the internal product code.

4 PROC-FLAG X 1 This flag is used internally within the system.

5 WARN? ? 1 This flag can be used as a warning that the product in question needs special treatment. It can be set automatically via the stock/product file, or via a System Maintenance menu option.

6 DATE-ADDED E 10 The date this entry was created in the file

7 USER X 6 The user signed-on when the entry was created.

11 EANL? ? 1 Set to "Y” to show that this is an EAN location record. Your own EAN location codes set this value too.

12 EANP? ? 1 Set to "Y” to show that this is an EAN productrecord.

13 ANAC? ? 1 Set to "Y” to show that this is an entry

14 OWN? ? 1 Set to "Y” to show that this location is one of your locations, not a customer location.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1750
Created On: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 10:54 PM

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