Header Optional 4

Datafile Software

Header Optional 4

Name Type Description

User Accum Val 1 L, K, M } Up to three additional values can be accumulated on

User Accum Val 2 L, K, M } an order. See order detail profiles below for items to

User Accum Val 3 L, K, M } accumulate

Time Acknowledged N } Holds the time the last document of each type was

Time Delivered N } printed. If set in optional features this is the first in

Time Invoiced N } the series of n consecutive items holding times

} document printed.

Accum-Work-Qty L, K, M Accumulation of document action quantity. This is updated on confirmation within document so can be used in calculations to be printed on the document.

C/S Discounts L, K SOP Only. Accumulation of counter sales discount lines.

Sett Disc % (2) L, K } SOP Only – POP equivalent on Header Optional 2. If

Sett Days (2) X, N, T, C } needing a second settlement discount, you need

} values for the percentage and settlement days

Batch Document Id N, Y } POP only. Relating to XML import and processing

Batch Document Tax N, Y } of purchase orders.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1573
Created On: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 10:59 AM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 4:52 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/header-optional-4-1573.html