The System Profiles set the general configuration options for the ledger.
For organisations that do not have stock — service companies such as architects, designers, many printers, and so on — the sales order processing (SOP) application can be of great value in recording orders for subsequent invoicing, and even for creating quotations. In such circumstances they may find it appropriate to codify a set of "products” in a file, with descriptions and prices. Set if you want to use a product file rather than a stock file.
This takes the process one step further, to allow the SOP application to be used without any stock or product file at all. The implication is that every detail of each order line must be completed in full, including nominal and analysis codes. Set if you want to exclude the use of either a stock or product file.
When set this causes the system to automatically increment the numeric part of the order reference when adding new records. If the format specified for the order number includes more than one numeric partition, then the last (i.e. right-hand) numeric part of the code will be incremented.If you do not wish the program to increment the numeric part of the code automatically leave this option blank.
Set if you always want to reserve stock automatically for all orders when new order details are entered.This saves the need to say if you want to reserve stock for each order. If you sometimes want to reserve stock, and at other times don’t, then you need to keep a prompt on the new order header to ask if you want to reserve stock. This lets you reserve stock only for specific orders.
The "on-order” status is the purchases equivalent to reserving stock for sales.
This allows the use of a two-way update copy item facility defined in the database profiles for the order processing application. If you set this question, then this facility is activated, otherwise it is disregarded.
Up to ten data items can be copied from the stock file into the order detail record immediately the order detail is accessed during invoicing processing (such as whether or not this detail record meets search criteria) can then take place. Once the invoice is completed, a separate set of up to ten data items can be copied from the detail line back into the stock file.
Set to disable the above facility where SOP credit notes are concerned.
This is used to update job costing with the costs committed through purchase orders. Set to enable this link. You must have a number of data items in both job costing and purchase order processing for this facility to function, however. Job costing must have a data item to hold the value of Purchase Orders O/S. Purchase order processing detail records must have data items for Job reference and Job code analysis.
"Column 1” and "Column 2” are two extra user-definable fields on order detail lines. Here you may specify the actual prompts to be used on the order detail entry screen.
You may specify up to nine selling prices in the stock file, but typically in a trade environment these prices do not include a sales tax. If you are a retailer, however, one or more of these prices may include the sales tax. Throughout the Datafile Software system transactions are written with selling amounts that exclude sales tax, that value being entered in a separate field to give a total selling value including tax. The SOP system needs to know that certain prices must be worked backwards to the net-of-tax value, so set against any prices which include a sales tax.
If you want to create separate order processing procedures within the same company — perhaps using different stock/product files — then one technique is to define separate companies so that each company’s definitions can be made to match each requirement. However, you will want to use the same customer/ supplier files for each company.Give here the three-character company code of the company whose ledger files you want to update.
At first sight it seems as though you need only give the original company ledger file names in the new company Location of Files definitions to make sure the same ledger files are updated. This is inadequate, however, because aspects such as the last order number, delivery note number and invoice number are updated after each option is taken and are stored in the company definition files, not in the data files. Choose the "Alternative Company” technique for multiple invoicing techniques.
Article ID: 1525
Created On: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 9:07 AM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 5:09 PM
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