Purchase Order Processing Implications

Datafile Software

Purchase Order Processing Implications

There are a number of implications to the maintenance of purchase orders if the Back-to-Back process has generated these.

Update Purchase Order Headers

If you change a purchase order header that was generated by the Back-to-Back process, you are warned that this order is linked to sales orders, and that you cannot change the Credit Order flag (though there would be little reason for you to do so)

Change Purchase Order Status

The issue here is that if you change the purchase orders header status, you would normally want to change the status on purchase details too. If these are linked to sales orders, then the process must also change the purchase status flag (see installation details below) on the linked sales details. On attempting to change the status you are warned accordingly and asked if you wish to proceed.

Delete Purchase Orders

If you try to delete a purchase order which has details linked to sales orders, then again you are warned. If you elect to proceed, then the purchase order and its details are deleted, and the purchase order status flag on the affected sales details are also changed to reflect this fact.

Add Purchase Order Details

There are no implications should you add extra detail lines to a purchase order that was generated by the Back-to-Back procedure. You might well decide to do so before you print and send a purchase order.

Change Purchase Order Details

You are warned that a purchase order detail is linked to a sales order, and you are prevented from changing the stock code and quantity fields. We would always recommend that you add an extra purchase order detail if you wish to purchase more of an item ordered by the Back-to-Back process although <F7-Option> on the warning message is available to override this restriction.

Delete Purchase Order Detail

If you attempt to delete a purchase order detail line that is linked to a sales order, again you are warned, and are prevented from doing so. Again, <F7-Option> is available to override this restriction.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1514
Created On: Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 3:47 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 5:39 PM

Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/purchase-order-processing-implications-1514.html