Pack Quantity Support in Quick Forms

Datafile Software

Pack Quantity Support in Quick Forms

Stock items can be set to be sold or purchased in packs; during order entry this allows you to enter 1/0 as the quantity for 1 pack or 2/3 for 2 packs and 3 units.However if using the quick form processes to generate order details you had to enter the pack detail as units meaning that any generated order details / documents also showed the quantity in units.This new feature allows you to enter pack quantities within the quick form itself.


Database Changes

Each Quick Form is held within a separate database – named CCC-SNNN.DFD for sales order quick forms and CCC-PNNN.DFD for purchase order quick forms where CCC is the company id and NNN is the quick form entry number – and to support entry in pack quantity format each of the existing quick form databases need to be update.For new quick forms you need to update the layout of the BASE-F1.DFD database.

The Quick Form databases are a fixed structure file so the new data item below must be created at the exact item position noted. To restructure the Quick Form databases you need to select Database Systems from the main menu followed by Datafile Database Utilities, Create/Amend Database Structures and Restructure a Database. When prompted enter the path of the database to change as above (F4-Select is available if required) and the current data items are listed.

The new item must be created as Item 7 so move the cursor down to this item number and press <Enter> to add the new item.

Item Name Type Description

SPLIT-QTY M Holds the quantity of the item required in a four dp value where the significant values are the number of packs and the decimal values are the number of units. This value is used for internal purposes and when displayed shows as 1/0003 (for example).The standard quantity item (field 2) continues to be updated with the number of units.

 Once the new item has been added press <ESC> and then select the UPDATE button to update the database changes. When prompted confirm you wish to extract the existing data. Once updated you will be prompted if you wish to remove the old database – respond as required.

Remember that you will need to make this change for all the existing quick form databases where you wish to use enter the quantity in packs together with the BASE-F1 database so that any new quick forms created automatically include the SPLIT-QTY data item.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 150
Created On: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 3:06 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 5:36 PM

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