Trans Currency - Database Profiles

Datafile Software

Trans Currency - Database Profiles

Required for foreign currency operation, values mirror the same transaction items as for the base currency, except they hold the foreign currency values.

Data Item Type Alternative Notes

Curr Code X(3) Transaction currency code, taken from the account record

Curr Rate Orig M Exchange rate used when the transaction was first written

Curr Rate Now M Exchange rate now in use on this transaction. It would differ from the original rate if the transaction had been revalued at any time

Curr Fixed ? Set to Y if transaction not to be revalued

Curr Amount L K

Curr Tax Amt L K

Curr Pay Disc L K

Curr Total *-type

Curr Allocated L K

Curr Outstanding *-type

Curr Fwd Alloc L K

Curr Last Alc Amt L K Purchase Ledger only

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1411
Created On: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 4:25 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 3:25 PM

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