Account Optional 1 - Database Profiles

Datafile Software

Account Optional 1 - Database Profiles

Data Item Type Alternative Notes

Address line 1 X (30) Up to 64 characters each. Up to 4 lines are used by the program for confirming a customer name and address. The accounts file also contains a separate item for post code that isn’t included in the profiles.

Address line 2 X (30) Second address line

Address line 3 X (30) Third address line

Address line 4 X (30) Fourth address line

Prospect Ident X (1) ?-type Sales Ledger only. A "Y” (or any other value which you define under system profiles) tells the program that this account is a prospect and not a live account.

Suspended account X (1) ?-type Purchase Ledger only. Equivalent of the prospect flag for the purchase ledger.

First active trans Y (6) N, Y (5–8) This must be present if fully-allocated transactions are to be retained after period-end. Holds record number of first active transaction for this account

Tax code X (1) Y (1) Tax code normally used for each customer. Used as the default tax code when posting invoice transactions

Credit days X (4) N, T If present, program uses it to calculate date when invoice is due. If N-type field then holds number of days (e.g.30). If X (4), then it can be used to hold more complex payment terms. It works in conjunction with Last trading day item — see below

Credit limit L K, *-type Used in credit checking at invoice posting or if creating invoice

Account on stop ?-type If account is on stop (this data item is set to Y) then you are prevented from posting any invoice transaction to it

Line discount % K L, M, *-type Used only by invoicing and sales order processing programs, the line discount rate is used as default discount rate when entering customer’s invoice or order

Overall discount % K L, M, *-type Again used only by the invoicing and order processing programs, overall discount rate is used as default overall discount rate when entering the account’s invoice or order

Which Price no. X(1) Y(1) Sales Ledger only. Used by invoicing and sales order processing to determine appropriate product price displayed during invoicing

Settlement disc % K L, *-type These items permit different settlement discounts and time periods to be defined for each account. This contains the discount percentage.

Settlement days N T, X This contains the number of days the settlement discount is to be allowed for.

Date set up D E When account is created, system date is entered into this field

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1395
Created On: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 4:02 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 3:30 PM

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