Select if you wish to apply discount matrices of any sort in the Invoicer, or Order Processing applications, otherwise leave blank.
The discount matrix facility may apply to either the product or the stock file, but not both. If you want to use this facility, then reply S <Enter> for the stock file, or P <Enter> for the product file.Leave blank if you do not want to use discount matrix facility.
The file that holds the various discount matrices is accessed via a prime index code that consists of a combination of account code and stock code, separated by the single delimiter character specified here. This character must be unique, and must never appear as a character within the account code or stock code. The hyphen ‘-‘ is often used for this.
When using the account or stock group option(s) then the group code is prefixed with a character that identifies the value as being a group code. This character must be unique and never appear a character within the account code or stock code. The hash-key ‘#’ is often used for this.
If you are using quantity breaks within discount matrices, then specify the maximum number of breaks which can apply to any matrix. The maximum is ten, and the minimum (no breaks for quantity) is one.
When using delivery cross-reference accounts the system checks the main account for any applicable matrix entries. Setting this option checks the delivery account for the matrix entry ignoring any for the main head-office account.
Not applicable for Invoicer (only Order Processing). If using location stock then you may not want to enter a matrix entry for all locations for a stock item, but instead apply it globally to all locations. If a location code is entered here, then during order entry this location is used to check for any applicable matrix entry rather than the location selected on order entry.
If set, then on maintenance of matrix entries the cost price of the stock item is displayed.
Not applicable for Invoicer (only Order Processing). Multiple Discounts allow you to record up to four cumulative discounts for a matrix entry; you may wish to apply a 10% trade discount followed by a special customer discount of 5%. This will give a different result to applying a 15% discount as 15% of £100 is £15 but applying a 10% discount followed by a 5% discount gives a discount total of £14.50.If using Order Processing then you can nominate four items on the stock record from which to obtain a default discount percentage when adding matrix entries.
If transferring from another system then discount percentages may have been entered as negative values. Setting this option allows you to enter during the discount matrix maintenance the value as you are used to seeing it, i.e. –10%, but then to reverse this on save to the file and subsequent use within Invoicer and Order Processing.
This option enables the price checker option facility on the toolbar. When set a pop up screen allows you to select up to ten items for display from the accounts and stock files during enquiry and, for the sales price checker, to control whether you allow the ‘haggle’ feature and display the costs and margins.
This feature generates a log record for each invoice generated, detailing the operator who generated the invoice and when they did it. It is also used as the basis of a duplication check to prevent two invoices with the same number.
This feature, once enabled, applies to invoice transactions generated from the sales ledger, invoicer, sales order processing, invoice costing and invoice generator (provided the sales invoice sequence is used). The invoice reference is defaulted and/or confirmed as previously, before the system checks if that invoice reference has been used before.If unused then a log record is added for this invoice, if it has been used then the system auto-increments the invoice number for the next five numbers until it finds an unused reference – if it fails to find an unused number within the next five references, then an onscreen warning will ask you to check the invoice sequence settings and not allow posting of the transaction.
This prompt asks you to enter the pathname of the invoice control file – usually ???-INV.DFD (replacing ??? with the current company id). This file can then be reported using the Report Generator or your own ProFiler routines. A BASE-INV.DFD is supplied as the template for the file when creating the live database (via DataFiler).
Article ID: 1346
Created On: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 2:16 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 3:44 PM
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