When you set-up a new company, this is automatically set. When set the ledger transactions do not ask for any analysis making it easier to enter outstanding transactions into the new ledger. This parameter is automatically switched off when the first period end is run although you can reset this manually if required.
You may run a mixed open-item/balance-forward ledger, or you may use one or other method exclusively.‘Open-Item’ means that payments and credits must be allocated to specific invoices. ‘Balance-forward’ means that allocation is unnecessary, old invoices are removed and single balance is carried forward at period-end.The usual response is that all accounts are set to open-item to preserve detail.
When set this option allows entry of a nominal code against every transaction and allows you to update the ledger into the nominal (usually as part of a month end routine).
You have the option to age balances (on open-item accounts only) either by number or days – e.g. 30, 60, 90, etc – or by true calendar month. If you want to age balances by true calendar month, then set this parameter.
The effect of monthly aged analysis is that if on 20thAugust you print an aged debtors or creditors report, then the current period column shows amounts that were entered/are due only for the period 1st– 31st August. The previous period (July) shows amounts due between 1st and 31stJuly, and so on.
Had you not asked for monthly aged analysis, the current period would have shown amounts due between the 22nd July and the 20thAugust, assuming first period was 30 days) and the previous period amounts due from 22nd June to 21st July and so on.
Only applicable if ageing on monthly terms here you specify the number of months to age on – from 1 to 5.Anything older is grouped into the final ageing period.
If you chose monthly analysis terms this parameter is not applicable. Otherwise, you now enter the number of days you wish to age each period – up to a maximum of five periods. If you do not want to use all five ageing periods, set the unused ones to zero. Typically you might specify ageing periods of 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. If you offer, for example, seven day settlement discounts, then you might specify ageing periods of 7, 30, 60 and 90 days.
When running the aged debtors/creditors report or an account statement then, when using daily analysis periods, you have the option to temporarily amend the aged periods for that print run.
By default, ageing is undertaken on transaction dates. If you set this option then ageing is undertaken on the transaction due date. This parameter applies only to the Ledger Enquiry – Aged Analysis options.Statements have a separate parameter (General Document Parameters 1) to age on due date as do the aged debtors/creditors report – although this option is only available for Diamond and Premier users.
Set to refresh the saved aged analysis details on the customer accounts file after entry of a receipt in either the Sales Ledger or the Cashbook.
This, and the next parameter, allows you to use the sales and purchase ledgers to enter transactions using your stock/product file as part of the input. Particularly useful on the purchases side, this can obviate the need for a purchase order system, where purchasing may be highly decentralised and not open to a formal systems approach. Set to S to link to the stock file, Pto link to the product file, or leave blank to omit any link.
The stock link is not applicable (for updating purposes anyway) if batch/serial number tracking is in use.
If the previous parameter set to link to stock, then you can determine here whether the stock link is for lookup only or whether the stock files are to be updated to. For example, if you enter stock purchase through the purchase ledger you can update stock with the quantity of items purchased.
As well as posting transactions to the ledger, the invoicer and order process applications can separately retain copy of the document on file for later viewing and/or printing.Specify here the number of days to retain documents for. Note, that a 0 setting would prevent saving of the document.
Documents are not automatically cleared once this period has elapsed. This value is used by the clear down routine in the Controls & Audit Manager (discussed later) to determine whether a document should be removed.
Setting this option allows you to enter specific settlement terms for each invoice and credit note as you enter them into the ledger. Note that invoicer and order processing applications can also write settlement discount values, and these options are controlled by their individual document parameters.
This option allows you to pick up the details of an existing transaction when entering a credit note or adjustment transaction into the ledger. For example, if you needed to post a credit note to reverse an invoice, then you can pick up the details of that invoice in full, and a credit note then posted to reverse it – a time-saving option in many situations.Set to allow this facility
Set if you want the system to check whether accounts are over their credit limits before permitting invoices to be posted.
Set if you wish to prevent further invoices being posted if an account is above the credit limit, rather than just warn. Leaving blank causes the program to warn you, but leaves the decision about whether to proceed up to you.
If you set to force the credit limit check, a pop-up allows entry of a password that can be entered, via a F7-option key on the warning, when credit limits block invoice entry.If left blank then you cannot override a credit warning.
Choosing this option bypasses credit checking where the credit limit given for an account is zero.
Particularly useful in the purchase ledger, the transaction date whilst remembering the last date used within a session defaults initially to today’s date. When today’s date is (say) the 4th April 20xx but the ledger is still in March this option, if set, would force the initial date to default to the 31st March 20xx – the end of the current period.
Only applicable for the Purchase Ledger, this option allows the ability to scan invoices and credits received from your supplier as part of the transaction entry.
When set a pop-up screen allows configuration of additional details.
Check Scanner Attached – if set, then no purchase invoice transaction generation is possible unless a scanner is attached. An <F7-Option> key is available to override a run-time warning.If not set then invoice entry continues to be allowed regardless of scanner availability – if no scanner is available you will not be prompted to scan the document.
Automatic Scanning Mode – this option asks you if you wish to default to the ‘automatic scan’ mode.
Show Twain User Interface – this option asks if you wish to default to the ‘Scan with Preview and Manual Settings’ mode. If neither this nor the previous option set then the default mode is to ‘Scan with Preview’
Default Scanner Name – select the scanner appropriate
Default Scan Mode – select the scan mode from ‘Black & White’, ‘Greyscale’ and ‘Colour’ appropriate for your scanner.
Default Scan Resolution – select the DPI resolution of the scan required.
Default Image Size – select the default display size of the scanned image in preview/enquiry mode.
Save Documents As – the default of TIF creates the smallest saved file, option to save as either BMP or JPG files are also available. Note that your scan driver may not support BMP or JPG options – at runtime if the save type is not applicable then the system will swap back to TIF automatically.
Authority Level to Re-Scan – defaulting to 0 (highest) this asks for the authority level an operator must be before they have the option to rescan a document from within the Ledger Enquiry.
Save Run Time Changes – many of the options above act as defaults for run-time settings. If these are amended this option allows you save these changes as the default for next time.
You may want to configure differing entry procedures for types of invoice but update the same ledger databases. This option allows you to reference another company from which to take the current accounting calendar.
Article ID: 1342
Created On: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 2:05 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 3:46 PM
Online URL: https://kb.datafile.co.uk/article/system-profiles-screen-1-1342.html