Mandatory Transaction Items - Nominal - Database Profiles

Datafile Software

Mandatory Transaction Items - Nominal - Database Profiles

Data Item Type Alternative Notes

Journal Number N Y (6) The journal number appears on every transaction of a multiple transaction entry, thus allowing journals to be audited

Transaction date D E The posting date, which must be in the correct period when posted. If transaction created by update from other systems, then this is the effective date of update, not the original transaction date (see below)

Debit account X (10) Y Transactions normally have either a debit account or a

Credit account X (10) Y credit account on them. A single entry journal can carry both debit and credit accounts. Sales and purchase ledger updates can create such double entry transactions

Amount L K The amount is almost always a positive value regardless of whether it is a debit or credit entry. The account codes determine how it is applied. The amount could be negative (e.g. settlement discounts)

Description X (25)

Provisional ?-type Marked Y if provisional, but changed to Y when reversed

Next DB transaction Y (6) N, Y (5–8)

Next CR transaction Y (6) N, Y (5–8) Internal pointers used by the system

Debit record no Y (6) N, Y (5–8)

Credit record no Y (6) N, Y (5–8)

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1137
Created On: Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:44 AM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 6:36 PM

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