Journal Listing - Nomimal

Datafile Software

Journal Listing - Nominal

This reports the journal transaction entry details from your nominal transaction file. In addition to the standard prompts described above for the reporting options, you may also select a range of transactions against the following criteria:

Transaction Records in Range From / To

If you know the record range of the transactions you are looking for, you can enter them here.However, it is more usual to use date ranges for selection (see below).

To help you restrict the transaction range to those for a particular period, you can note the last transaction number for each period by viewing the system status display at the period-end. However, since you can post to any period at any time, this may not be a complete guide to all the transactions for a specific period.

If your system has been set up to write brought-forward transactions when the transaction file is cleared, you are also prompted at the bottom with the record number of the last brought-forward transaction.

Transactions in Date Range From / To

The date range of the "as at” period already chosen is prompted here, but you may overwrite these with different dates. If you clear the dates (<F3–Clear> is a quick way to do this) then all transactions on file are printed.

Include Any Journal Memo Text

Only prompted if using this transaction option, when set any entered text is printed underneath the transaction.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 1020
Created On: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 1:56 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 7:21 PM

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