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System Profiles - Batch Tracking

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System Profiles - Batch Tracking

System Profiles (1/4)

Batch Tracking Installed for Stock 

Set to use batch tracking within this company, leave blank to omit the use of batch tracking.

Prevent Negative Stocks

This is normally set for Batch Tracking. Although serial tracked items automatically prevent negative stock (a physical of 0 or 1 only allowed), you could allow negative stocks for batch, matrix or template items if required.

Issue Batches/Serials on FIFO basis
OR by Sorting into User Defined Sequence

Either one of these items may be set (not both). If left blank then the user is prompted for batch/serials and must key/scan in manually or select using the <F4> key. If set to issue on a FIFO basis then batch/serial details are issued based on the order the batch record was created on the system. If set to issue on a user-defined sequence then a pop-up form allows you to select up to four sorting items and whether to process these in ascending or descending sequence – this could be used on (say) expiry date or purchase date so the oldest dates are issued first.

Log Batch/Serial Movements to Batch Transaction File

This is normally set for enquiry purposes, but if using serial numbers exclusively then the batch record would record the purchase and sale details and it may be an unnecessary duplication of detail to generate batch transactions also.

Scan Batch/Serial Goods In (Do Not Offer Default)
Scan Batch/Serial Goods Out (Do Not Offer Default)

When set these two prompts would override any default batch/serial number when issuing or receiving stock. This is useful when using bar code scanners to read batch numbers.

Confirm OK before updating Batch/Serial stock take

When entering stock take counted quantities the system is recording these details direct on the stock / batch records. This parameter adds an extra confirmation prompt before updating the input details on to the batch record – it is not normally set.

Default for "Batch Format”
Default for "Heading”
Default for "Prefix with Stock Code”
Default for "Generate Batch No”

These parameters ask for default values to be applied to the stock record when you first mark it as a batch/serial item; this is useful where stock items are generally set with the same batch parameters

System Profiles (2/4)

Pre-Allocate Batches/Serials in Sales Order Entry
OR P/Alloc Batches/Serials in Picking Document
OR Suggest Batches/Serials in Picking Document

Only one of these options can be in use per application company. The first, if set, optionally prompts for the batch/serial details during order entry and reserves where appropriate. The second, if set, prompts for the batch details on the sales order acknowledgement, stores the entered batch/serial details against the order and updates the batch reserved quantity. The third option allows the acknowledgement to ask/print the batch details but doesn’t record the details against the order or reserve them to the order.

Maximum Batches/Serials per Sales Order Detail

If pre-allocating batches against a sales order, either via order entry or an acknowledgement, then the batch numbers are recorded on the sales order detail record. This parameter asks for the maximum number of batch codes that can be stored on the sales order detail record – the maximum possible is 50, but should be set to the maximum number of consecutive batch codes that have been defined on the SOD database which is likely to be less.

Request Batches/Serials Immediately After Quantity

If pre-allocating batches on sales order entry then the batch details are prompted on update of the order detail unless this parameter set, where it then prompts for the details after confirmation of the order quantity. Note, that if back-2-back order processing in use then batch details are always prompted on update of the order detail regardless of this setting as the system needs to know whether the sales order is to generate a purchase order before asking for the batch detail.

Pre-Allocate Batches/Serials in Purchase Order Entry
OR P/Alloc Batches/Serials in Picking Document
OR Suggest Batches/Serials in Picking Document

Only one of these options can be in use per application company. The first, if set, optionally prompts for the batch/serial details during order entry and places the batch on-order where appropriate. The second, if set, prompts for the batch details on the purchase order acknowledgement, stores the entered batch/serial details against the order and updates the batch on-order quantity. The third option allows the acknowledgement to ask/print the batch details but doesn’t record the details against the order or mark them as on-order. You are only likely to set any of these options were the assignment of a batch/serial item is done ‘in-house’ and not detailed as part of the goods themselves.

Maximum Batches/Serials per Purchase Order Detail

If pre-allocating batches against a purchase order, either via order entry or an acknowledgement, then the batch numbers are recorded on the purchase order detail record. This parameter asks for the maximum number of batch codes that can be stored on the purchase order detail record – the maximum possible is 50, but should be set to the maximum number of consecutive batch codes that have been defined on the POD database which is likely to be less.

Request Batches/Serials Immediately After Quantity

If pre-allocating batches on purchase order entry then the batch details are prompted on update of the order detail unless this parameter set, where it then prompts for the details after confirmation of the order quantity.

Pre-Allocate Batches / Serials at Works Order Entry

If using Bill of Materials this prompt asks whether you want the option of selecting batch/serial details as part of the Works Order entry processes. If set then batch details are prompted as component lines are generated.

Maximum Batches/Serials per Works Order Header
Maximum Batches/Serials per Works Order Detail

If pre-allocating batches against a works order then the batch numbers for the item being built are recorded on the works order header record, the batch numbers for the components being used are recorded on the works order detail record. These parameters asks for the maximum number of batch codes that can be stored on the works order header/detail records – the maximum possible is 50, but should be set to the maximum number of consecutive batch codes that have been defined on the WOH/WOD database which is likely to be less.

Request Batches/Serials Immediately After Quantity

If pre-allocating batches on works order entry then the batch details are prompted on update of the order detail unless this parameter set, where it then prompts for the details after confirmation of the order quantity.

Request Batches/Serials during Assembly Build

This prompt asks if the item being built is a batch tracked item to prompt for the batch details during works order entry. Set as appropriate.

System Profiles (3/4)

When prompting for batch / serial details the system asks you for the batch code and quantity.These parameters allow you to prompt for display/input up to five extra items from the batch record – you may want to display/input an expiry date for example.

This parameter screen allows you to set the extra input items for use in individual stock, sales order and purchase order processes. When an option is set a pop-up allows you to select the items from the batch file.

Batch Item

Select the data item on the batch file to be displayed / input


Set whether the extra item is to allow input, leave blank to display the existing value only.


If allowing input of the extra item, set whether the entered value is to be offered for default where more than one batch/serial required to be processed on this issue/receipt.

System Profiles (4/4)

This parameter screen allows you to set the extra input items for use in individual works order entry processes. When an option is set a pop-up allows you to select the items from the batch file.

Match "Heading” Value to View/Extra Items

When marking a stock item as batch/serial tracked you have the option to enter a ‘heading’ that is displayed instead of ‘batch number’ when prompting for the batch/serial details of that stock item. If this option is set then where this heading matches the data item number then that extra item is suppressed.

Use Global (System Wide) Batch / Serial Numbers

If auto-generating batch numbers then a sequence is maintained per stock code for the batch/serial numbers generated. This option allows a stock item to be set to auto-generate batch/serial numbers but to use a system wide (i.e. not only cross stock code but also cross-company) sequence number. The ‘last reference’ is held in a file DFCONST.DEF; this is a profiler file and is therefore only applicable where the Profiler accessory has been purchased. If set the code format for batches set within the Application Code Formats should be set to 99999999 (8 numbers).

For a stock item to use the global sequence number then the following values must be set against the batch data items on the stock record:

Pre-Fix with Stock Code - blank

Auto-Generate - set to Y

Batch Format – blank

System Control Slot for Batch / Serial Number

If using the global batch/serial number then this asks for the ‘slot’ number held in the DFCONST.DEF to use for this sequence. Slot numbers range from 1-to-16.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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