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Receipt Column Headings - Cashbook |
Article Number: 1047 | Rating: Unrated | Last Updated: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 7:03 PM
Datafile Software Receipt Column Headings - Cashbook You use this option to define the columns you want for entering cash receipts, and the characteristics of each column. The definition screen is shown below, and the list already shows the maximum number of columns you defined under the cash book System Profiles — here only four columns, though the maximum is 14. The order in which you specify these columns is also the order in which they are printed in Cash Book Reports below. You can key <Escape> or <End> at any time to exit this screen. For each column you must then define up to six parameters. Note that you can use the up and down arrow keys to take you between the column definition lines. Full Heading This is the full name for this column and is used in the cash receipt input prompts. This name can be up to 18 characters in length. If you leave it blank, then this column is not offered. Column Heading This is an abbreviated name which is above the appropriate columns when you print cash book reports later.This can be up to nine characters in length. Column Type For most columns leave this at zero to indicate that you intend to enter income (or expenditure) cash book account codes for this column. There are some other values this can take, however: 1 Link to Sales Ledger. You must have the Datafile Software sales ledger application for this company if you choose this option. This column is then linked directly to the sales ledger, and any transaction values you enter in this column are also written to the sales ledger. 2 Link to Purchase Ledger. It is most unlikely that you would have a purchase ledger column on the receipts side.
You must have the Datafile Software purchase ledger application for this company if you choose this option. This column is then linked directly to the purchase ledger, and any transaction values you enter in this column are also written to the purchase ledger. 3 Tax. This has the special purpose of reserving this column for tax values when you come to print cash book reports. You cannot use it to enter a tax value, but that is handled by the cash receipt transaction anyway if you need it. Account From / To These two prompts give the account range between which any income account codes entered for a receipt transaction in this column must lie. Either one can be left blank, in which case the range starts from the lowest account code (if the first is left blank) to the highest account code (if the second is left blank). Account Default This is the account code which is to be offered as the default code for this column. You can leave it blank if you do not want a default value. |
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