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Prefix Job Number with Sales Account Code

Datafile Software

Prefix Job Number with Sales Account Code

This new feature allows you to prefix your job number with the sales account code and increment the job number as a ‘contract’ reference uniquely to each sales account.

On add of a new job you will first be prompted for the sales account code - <F4-Select> is available to help you choose the account as usual. After selecting the account the system displays the account name and address to confirm you have selected the correct account and then, if confirmed, displays the next job number for this account. After confirmation of the full job reference the remainder of the job input is unchanged.


Job Code inputs elsewhere in Job Costing and within other applications ask for the full job reference as one ‘input’.

If allowing Sales Order Processing to create jobs via the SOP/Job Costing accessory then the job reference needs to be input ‘in full’ entering the sales account portion manually.


System Profiles

To enable the Job Reference to be prefixed with the Sales Account code you need to set an additional parameter within the Job Costing System Profiles. To update the System Profiles select Installation from the main menu, lock out the system, and then select the Job Costing application.

Enter Jobs by SL Account– this option allows the link of a job record to a sales account, this option must be set.

Prefix Jobs with SL Account – set to prefix the job code with the sales account code.

Code Formats

Once set to prefix you need to amend the job code format to include the sales account code format at the start of the code. To update the code formats select Installation, lock out the system, and then select the Code Formats option.

You need to set the Job Format so that it includes the Sales Account format as above within the code structure – for example if the Sales Format is AAA999 then the Job Format would be AAA999-99999 (assuming a numeric job format), if Sales Format UUUUUUUUU then Job Format would be UUUUUUUUUU-99999. The maximum length of a combined code is sixteen characters.

Database Changes

If the Job Code format is greater than ten characters then you’ll need to amend the database structures of the Job and Job Transaction files to increase the size of the Job Code data item(s) from ten to sixteen characters. In addition any supplementary databases containing the job code data item such as the sales / purchase transaction file, sales order header / detail or purchase order detail database may need to be amended in the same manner.

To restructure the database select the Installation from the main menu followed by Application Manager and Restructure a Database. Select the application required, update the live files, and then choose the required database. Once the database is open for restructure move down to the JOB / JOB-CODE field, press <Enter> and confirm the item name and type then amend the size to 16 characters. (NB: Professional users will need to manually restructure the database using the restructure options within DataFiler Database Utilities and enter the filename of the required database).

Once the changes have been made press <ESC> and then select to ‘Update’ the database changes.Confirm the options for ‘Extract Database Records’ and ‘Copy Table Items’ as necessary. If prompted to change the base files respond as required and repeat the change as needed. Repeat for all databases containing the job code data item.


 Please note that the split job codes options for Contract / Operation input is not applicable when using the prefix with sales account option.

Custom Fields
  • Release ID: 6.2
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