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EAN/Locns (Incoming Messages)

Datafile Software

EAN/Locns (Incoming Messages)

This option allows you to add or amend details (see details below) in the EAN code table used for incoming messages. This allows you manually to create a new entry in the table without having entering it into the sales ledger first. There must be, however, a sales ledger account for each trading partner and partner location.

Your Own EAN Location Codes

Your own EAN location(s) must also be present in the look-up database, and you should enter these here too, marking the "Keep” flag to denote that they are your own locations, not those of customers. Note that there is a mandatory look-up to the sales ledger here, and you should create a dummy account in the sales ledger for your own company, so you can achieve this.

Multi-Company Processing

If the XML system is used to unravel the EDI messages of more than one company at one time, then the EAN code for each company must be present in the EDI look-up databases, as well as all customer codes and locations from each sales ledger. Use this option to enter these EAN codes.

Maintaining Location EAN Codes

Default stock location .. if not system default In a multi-location stock system, incoming stock codes, when translated from the EAN code, will be prefixed by a stock location. If this customer or delivery location is to be serviced from a different stock location to the one given under system default, then enter the location code to be used here, otherwise leave it blank. It is only necessary to quote a stock location code for those customer locations that are to use a different stock location to the one set up against the main customer EAN code — the one that relates to the sales account

Keep on update?

Enter Y here to prevent this entry from being deleted by a future batch update from the sales ledger. During that process, any EAN code that no longer is present in the sales ledger records is deleted from the look-up database, unless it is marked to keep here. You may need to add alternative customer EAN codes into the system that refer to an existing delivery locations in your system. For example, orders may be placed by different customer departments, for the same physical location, but given different EAN codes by the customer to distinguish their department. In this case you may well have only one delivery location in your sales ledger, for which the EAN has successfully transferred to the EDI look-up database. Now you must add the additional EAN code(s) that refer to existing locations, and must mark them to keep.

Which company?

If you are processing the orders for more than one company, then enter the three-character
company code for this EAN location.
Custom Fields
  • Release ID: Standard
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