Multiple Locations

Datafile Software

Multiple Locations

The Datafile Software stock system caters for multiple location stock; whether this is just different areas of the same plant (such as raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods stores) or geographically different locations such as might occur with a chain of wholesale cash-and-carry operations.

The multi-location facility is handled by prefixing the stock item code in the stock file with a location code. The combined location and item code then becomes the key to the stock file. Each stock item at each location represents a separate stock file record, although you only need to define the stock items which are actually stocked at any particular location.

The location code is also held for look-up purposes in a separate location file, which is managed by the stock system. The location code may be any number of characters in length, and the full stock code key can, if you wish, include a separator character (an oblique”/” or hyphen "–” would be typical).

Whenever a stock code is needed, the location code is asked first, although you can define a default location code which is prompted to save time. You can use the <F4–Select> key to search the location file. After the location code you are asked for the stock item code, and again the <F4–Select> key can be used to find the stock item you want — only those defined for the location code already entered are displayed.

Reports are printed by location, with totals per location and grand totals at the end.

Custom Fields

Article ID: 407
Created On: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 10:40 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 11:28 PM

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